To calculate the price of the trip, we will now ask you for the necessary details, such as the required departure date, itinerary or certain operational aspects of the trip.
Month | Departure | season | Vacancies | Privatizable(*) | Tickets Alham(**) | precio-especial | ||
Month | Dept. | season | Vac. | P* | precio-especial | A** | ||
202504 | 20250412 | Day 12 - Saturday | Special Price | 20 | Alta | Y | S | 162 |
202504 | 20250426 | Day 26 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 291 |
202505 | 20250510 | Day 10 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 279 |
202505 | 20250524 | Day 24 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 328 |
202506 | 20250607 | Day 07 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 343 |
202506 | 20250621 | Day 21 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 369 |
202507 | 20250705 | Day 05 - Saturday | Middle | 20 | Media | Y | N | 378 |
202507 | 20250719 | Day 19 - Saturday | Middle | 20 | Media | Y | N | 363 |
202508 | 20250802 | Day 02 - Saturday | Middle | 20 | Media | Y | N | 394 |
202508 | 20250816 | Day 16 - Saturday | Middle | 20 | Media | Y | N | 383 |
202508 | 20250830 | Day 30 - Saturday | Middle | 20 | Media | Y | N | 396 |
202509 | 20250913 | Day 13 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 343 |
202509 | 20250927 | Day 27 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 397 |
202510 | 20251011 | Day 11 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 391 |
202510 | 20251025 | Day 25 - Saturday | High | 20 | Alta | Y | N | 396 |
202511 | 20251108 | Day 08 - Saturday | Middle | 20 | Media | Y | N | 398 |
202511 | 20251122 | Day 22 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 399 |
202512 | 20251206 | Day 06 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 400 |
202512 | 20251220 | Day 20 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 396 |
202601 | 20260103 | Day 03 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 400 |
202601 | 20260117 | Day 17 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 400 |
202601 | 20260131 | Day 31 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 400 |
202602 | 20260214 | Day 14 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 400 |
202602 | 20260228 | Day 28 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 400 |
202603 | 20260314 | Day 14 - Saturday | Low | 20 | Baja | Y | N | 400 |
Departure | dia_select mes_select | ||
season | season | ||
Vacancies | Vacancies |
(**) Available Tickets for Alhambra, Granada
(*) Privatizable: further info.
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